Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks
06 May 2024
Session on strengthening the protection of civilians from explosive weapons: Addressing specific challenges to humanitarian access in contexts where explosive weapons are being used in populated areas

To raise awareness of the impact of the use of EWIPA on humanitarian access and response, through data and case studies.
To promote the EWIPA Political Declaration as a tool that can drive practice by different actors to prevent and reduce the devastating civilian harm caused by the use of such weapons.
To focus on and unpack some of the specific impacts and consequences for rapid, safe, and unhindered humanitarian access in contexts where explosive weapons are being used in populated areas.
To share challenges, good practice and actions that can be taken to implement the commitment to facilitate rapid, safe and unhindered humanitarian access to people in need in contexts where EW are being used in populated areas. (in conjunction with related humanitarian commitments in the declaration).
To continue to build dialogue and joint efforts among humanitarian actors, Member States, and other relevant actors on actions aimed at strengthening the protection of civilians from the use of explosive weapons in populated areas.
Date: 6 May 2024
Time: 16h00 (4pm) - 17h30 (5h30pm) CEST
Opening - update on Oslo EWIPA Conference and next steps
Panel reflections on specific challenges/impact on humanitarian access in contexts where EW are being used
Panel reflections on implementing the Political Declaration's commitment 4.4 on rapid, safe, and unhindered humanitarian access - good practices"
H.E. Tormod Cappelen Endresen, Permanent Representative, Mission to the UN in Geneva, Norway
Aurélien Buffler, Chief of the Policy Advice and Planning Section, OCHA
Caroline Baudot, Policy Advisor Arms and Conduct of Hostilities Unit, Legal Division, ICRC
Alma Taslidzan, Humanity and Inclusion, Disarmament and Protection of Civilians Advocacy Manager and INEW
Khalil Albarry, UNICEF
Pehr Lodhammar, Chief of Mine Action Programme, UNMAS Iraq
1211 Geneva 10
SwitzerlandPhone: +41 (0)12 345 5678