Online Regional Briefings on the Political Declaration on Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas
01 - 03 October 2024
The United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs and UNIDIR will organize a series of online regional briefings to raise awareness on the EWIPA Political Declaration and promote exchanges of regional experiences and approaches.

Ahead of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) First Committee, taking place in New York in October 2024, UNIDIR and the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) will organize a series of online regional briefings to raise awareness on the EWIPA Political Declaration and promote exchanges of regional experiences and approaches.
The briefings aim to help inform discussions among Member States in relevant regional and international meetings. Furthermore, the briefings will contribute to preparations towards the second international follow-up Conference of the Declaration, to be held in San José, Costa Rica, in 2025.
Opening Remarks
EWIPA and the Political Declaration
Regional Perspectives and Approaches
Key Developments and Updates
When and Where
Times and days vary for different regional groups, please see below to identify your regional group.
African States: 1 October 2024, 10:00-11:00 CEST - Register here
Latin American and Caribbean States: 1 October 2024, 16:00-17:00 CEST - Register here
Asia-Pacific States: 2 October 2024, 10:00-11:00 CEST - Register here
Eastern European States: 2 October 2024, 14:00-15:00 CEST - Register here
Western European and other States: 3 October 2024, 14:00-15:00 CEST - Register here
Check your local time zone here.
All regional briefings will be delivered in English. Interpretation into French and Portuguese will be available for the regional briefing for African States, interpretation into Spanish and Portuguese will be available for the regional briefing for Latin American and Caribbean States, and interpretation into Arabic will be available for the regional briefing for Asia-Pacific states.
UNIDIR and UNODA encourage the participation of representatives from permanent missions in New York and Geneva, experts in national capitals, regional organizations and other entities interested in this issue.
Please register for each regional briefing. The links to each of the events will be shared with registered participants.
1211 Geneva 10
SwitzerlandPhone: +41 (0)12 345 5678